Bridgic's Services

HR Development / Language Courses and Training

Experience and Achievements

Sing That Famous Song in English!

This is a special class titled "Sing that famous song in English!"
Let's learn the meaning of the lyrics of familiar songs and try singing them in English.
Requests will be accepted.

The Beatles, Presley, Carpenters, etc...
Please let us know your requests when you sign up.
At the end of the class, we will all sing the chorus together.

Target Audience

● Those who want to enjoy their English lessons.
● Those who want to incorporate it as part of brain activation, rehabilitation, and recreation.
● To create opportunities to learn English and increase interest in English.
*Please apply as organization or group [company, corporation, welfare facility, etc.].

    Inquiry Form for Courses & Training / Contact Form

    For inquiry, please fill in the form below.

    Details of your Request

    Inquiry for EstimationQuestions and Comments

    Company Name


    Zip Code -






    Phone Number

    Number of Participants

    Details of
    your Request

    Please tell us more details (if applicable).

    Please confirm.


    Please enter the letters on the left.